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CyberStrike 2 Multiplayer w/Missions

With two nail-biting, heart-pounding missions from the CyberStrike 2 single-player game!MicroVision Development Home Page

CyberStrike 2 Multiplayer

This version contains everything you need to start playing CyberStrike 2 Multiplayer right now!WebExpress Online Tutorial

Win 95, NT, 98, 2k, Me, XP version 1.14

Simutronics Game Entry ("SGE")

Access our games without ever opening your web browser

Alternate CS2 Hub Skin

Alternate CS2 Hub Skin

Teamspeak 2 Win32 Client (RC2)

Teamspeak is a quality, scalable application which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet.

Ventrilo Windows i386 - 32bit

Ventrilo is a scalable Voice over IP (VoIP) communications system that solves a lot of the problems associated with network latency, packet loss, uptime and administration.

Maps 1-8

Maps and files for CyberStrike 2 available for download from our website. To use: download and unzip into your CyberStrike 2 directory.

Maps 9-28

Maps and files for CyberStrike 2 available for download from our website. To use: download and unzip into your CyberStrike 2 directory.

Uncompressed Sound Library

Maps and files for CyberStrike 2 available for download from our website. To use: download and unzip into your CyberStrike 2 directory.

CPU Killer

CPU Killer is used for the faster computers when playing CSC. CSC can still be played by typing /CSC in the chat line of CS2's hub.